Layering, good for the industry, perhaps a little less for you…
“Layering” which translates as “successive layers” consists of transforming yourself into a piece of bread on which more than 10 layers of care are conscientiously applied per day! A skincare ritual that, on average, doubles the time of your daily routine and explodes your beauty budget! The success of “layering” has always amazed me because it seems to defy common sense, from a toxicological, allergological & dermatological point of view.

No “baby” survives there…
You should know that a conventional cosmetic formula contains on average 1% preservatives. Ten layers of care therefore amount to applying 10 x 1% of… preservatives! Difficult in these “ultra sterile” conditions to make your “good” bacteria, these famous skin probiotics, survive.
So it’s like in a casino, the more you play, the more you increase your chances of losing.
your good bacteria and win from allergies! It's mathematical: on average, 10 treatments x 25 ingredients = 250 ingredients applied to your skin every day, knowing that an ingredient can contain several hundred molecules and only one of these molecules can trigger an allergy. You follow ? A real Russian roulette.
Play the big blue in your bathroom.
Did you know that your skin breathes? Precisely 720 liters of oxygen pass through the skin every 24 hours, or 7% of our total oxygen. This exchange takes place through the subcutaneous blood vessels but also through the pores of the skin. Since you are now a distinguished biologist, you will have understood that applying nearly 10 layers of cosmetics to your skin requires you to practice apnea like Jacques Mayol...
Become a teenager again.
and see pimples appear on your pretty face? Even if all your beauty products are supposedly “non-comedogenic,” no test takes into account the fact that you’re going to apply more than 10 to your skin. A guaranteed “pore blocking” effect, stuck-on dead skin associated with an excess of artificial sebum, we have here a very good recipe for a dermatological syndrome called “acne cosmetica”.
Like layering (😉), I have just accumulated successive layers of arguments, so I must offer you an alternative. Easy suggestions to put into practice in your daily routine with just one watchword: “Less is more” ! I love this phrase because it perfectly sums up the wisdom of frugality. Buy less but better.
Applying a maximum of 5 treatments per day seems to me to be a reasonable choice.
If waking up is difficult, active water, no cleaning…
A cream and/or a serum if necessary for a deeper action.
A tinted cream if necessary.
A eye contour according to your age.
Make-up removal if necessary.
A cream OR a serum.
What about specific products?
Masks: use moisturizing, soothing, nourishing masks... as soon as your skin has suffered an attack: after sport, after a long plane journey, exposure to the sun or wind etc... I personally use the Repulp Masque after each surf session.
Cure products (peeling type): they will replace your evening treatment on an occasional basis.