Hyaluronic acid injection or treatment: which is the best choice?

The injections contain large molecules of hyaluronic acid which are injected directly into the second layer of the skin (the dermis) to fill deep hollows.

Our Hyaluronic Acid Serum contains all sizes of hyaluronic acid (wow!) to fill surface gaps and stimulate our cells deep down.

✔️ Novexpert hyaluronic acid is 100% natural and biodegradable, while that of the injections contains a “bodyguard” molecule and we do not know its fate in the organism.

✔️ You can increase your amount of hyaluronic acid by eating! Real for real!


Before entering the match, I will give you all the cards to understand. There are different molecular weights, that is to say different sizes of hyaluronic acid classified into 4 categories:

  • very high molecular weight
  • high molecular weight
  • middleweight
  • the small weight (and no, the latter is not green...)

Depending on their size, hyaluronic acid molecules will more or less penetrate the skin.

Imagine this as a funnel: the very high molecular weight hyaluronic acid with its imposing size will remain at the start of the funnel, that is to say on the surface of your skin. Conversely, hyaluronic acid of small molecular weight, thanks to its small size, will be able to slide to the bottom of the funnel, that is to say penetrate deep into your skin.

Hyaluronic acid injections

In hyaluronic acid injections, we find the very high molecular weight mixed with high molecular weight which will be directly injected into the dermis, the second layer of the skin(1 ). By performing these injections, we are looking for a volumizing effect to fill the deep hollows of the face by modifying its shape.

The Novexpert Booster Serum with hyaluronic acid

Let's now see the difference with hyaluronic acid treatments, and in this area I will talk to you about Novexpert's choices. Our Hyaluronic Acid Booster Serum is for example one of the rare serums in the world to contain all 4 sizes of hyaluronic acid!

It is an innovation that breaks the codes of classic cosmetic treatments and we have formulated it so that hyaluronic acids of different sizes play complementary roles within the skin. The most imposing: the very high weight and the high weight act at the tissue level, they have a smoothing and moisturizing effect, a bit like an organic iron! Conversely, the smallest ones can slip deeper into the skin and act at the cellular level: they stimulate the skin cells (keratinocytes). The epidermis is 3 times thicker in the presence of medium molecular weight hyaluronic acid, impressive(2)!

The injection therefore fills the deep hollows of the face while the Booster Serum fills the hollows on the surface and stimulates our cells in depth. The two can therefore be complementary


I may surprise you, but the hyaluronic acid in our skin has an extremely short lifespan: it is destroyed and renewed... approximately every day by our cells. Yes in 24 hours! Our body makes a point of providing us with “fresh” amounts every day(3).

The hyaluronic acid in Novexpert products is therefore integrated into this cycle because it is 100% natural and biomimetic, that is to say identical to that of our skin.

I hear you say in front of your screen: “yet when my colleague has a hyaluronic acid injection, the effects last more than a day? »

You are absolutely right, the hyaluronic acid from injections has a lifespan of 6 to 9 months… Why? Because it is not alone, it is coupled with a synthetic crosslinking agent which acts as a bodyguard: it prevents the natural degradation of hyaluronic acid and thus it is preserved for several month instead of a day(4).

What happens to the bodyguard in our skin? Diving into the unknown…

It's good but... (because there is always a "but" when we prevent nature from doing its work) what is the future of this bodyguard in our body? Today we don't know. Synthetic in nature, it is not or only slightly biodegradable and we do not have enough scientific information to know what happens to it in our skin in the long term.

In addition, our own hyaluronic acid renewal cycle is well organized! The destruction of “old” hyaluronic acid allows cellular signals to be sent to produce new hyaluronic acid, like a passing of the baton! However, if the hyaluronic acid is not destroyed (like that of injections), we are entitled to say that fewer remanufacturing signals will be created, therefore less fresh hyaluronic acid will be synthesized.

Since the creation of Novexpert, I believe in a global approach to skin health. In this specific case, to increase the quantity of hyaluronic acid in the skin, injections or our Booster are effective solutions but they are not the only ones. Your lunch or dinner can also play an important role!


Eat yes but not just anything! Certain foods have the ability to increase the synthesis of hyaluronic acid thanks to their content of flavonoids or vitamin C for example. Researchers discovered this through the study of the diet of the Japanese village Yuzuri Hara where the inhabitants have a very high life expectancy and skin that is preserved despite exposure to the sun. Since reading publications on the subject, I have included the following foods in my meals, it's up to you to try it too!

Foods rich in flavonoids(5): cashew nuts, olive, garlic, shallot, plum, blackberry, cherry…

Foods rich in vitamin C(6): kale, parsley, goji berry, black currant, kiwi…


  • (1) Kablik J, Monheit GD, Yu L, Chang G, Gershkovich J. Comparative physical properties of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. Dermatol Surg. 2009 Feb;35 Suppl 1:302-12.
  • (2) Kaya G, Tran CT, Sorg O, Hotz R, Grand D. et al. (2006) Hyaluronate fragments reverse skin atrophy by a CD44-dependent mechanism. PLoS Med 3(12)
  • (3) Pomarede, N. Hyaluronic acid. Ann. Dermatol. Venerol. 2008; 135
  • (4) Ascher B, Cerceau M, baspeyras M, Rossi B. Fillers with hyaluronic acid. Annals of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 49 (2004) 465–485
  • (5) Waheed Janabi, A. H, Kamboh, A. HAS, Saeed, M., Xiaoyu, L., BiBi, J., Majeed, F., Naveed, M., Mughal, M. J, Korejo, N. HAS, Kamboh, R., Alagawany, M., & Lv, H. (2020). Flavonoid-rich foods (FRF): A promising nutraceutical approach against lifespan-shortening diseases. Iranian journal of basic medical sciences, 23(2), 140–153.
  • (6)ANSES. Ciqual: Search by constituent: vitamin C. https://ciqual.anses.fr/#/constituants/55100/vitamine-c-(mg-100-g)

    Today we know it.

    Beautiful skin is, above all,
    healthy skin.

    Creating another way of achieving beauty is a necessity. For 15 years, Novexpert has been committed to demanding cosmetics based on science and facts. They are researchers fascinated by science, passionate about skin and health.

    And here is what we do.
    Explain, transmit and learn: how the body works, how the skin works.
    Formulate, without compromising: 100% healthy products, because they are 100% of natural origin, highly concentrated active ingredients.
    Test, study, adjust, for treatments with clinically proven effectiveness.
    Support, provide what is missing in a serum, a food supplement or a treatment: nutrition, sleep, daily advice and recommendations.
    Create a new type of treatment to take care of your skin.

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