This is my 1stst blog and I know nothing about this matter.
That's it, Novexpert has its blog! I'll be honest, I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of putting pen to paper. So take this blog as a testimony of my experiences, my thoughts and of course my doubts…
Why surf photos?
Well, you will discover it in my 2th blog but I am already revealing a little clue to you: great stories are often the work of chance and surfing has played an essential role in my life and the genesis of Novexpert.

My 1era promise: You don't have time, but we do...
...since it's our passion: we analyze thousands of scientific publications dealing with biology, genetics, health... and not just related to the skin. Our library at the center of research is provided in books whose authors, researchers, doctors but also naturopaths, psychologists... feed our thoughts every day on product developments but not only. This knowledge impacts our lives if we adopt certain precepts set out in their works. A beautiful material to share with you, for you and in complete freedom.
My 2th promise: hot or cold!
I will try to avoid lukewarm writing. I dare to bet on conviction! This conviction comes into play when we have to make a choice between established scientific data which sometimes contradict each other:
- Should I eat fish that was originally healthy but is now largely contaminated by pollutants?
- Should I take vitamins every day since we are often in a state of proven deficiency even though studies seem to indicate that this may be dangerous…
- Should I slather on layers of cosmetics as recommended by the Korean model or on the contrary practice skin fasting?
Welcome to the “anachronistics” of Novexpert!
If you have read this 1er blog to the end, I think you deserve the title of "anachronicus honoris causa", a title that is so coveted since it suggests an extraordinary capacity for concentration for reading this longgggggg blog which is without subject!
Quote of the day (which fully corresponds to our ambition at Novexpert)
"They have the watch, we have the time" (African & Tuareg proverb often used in Asia)
My musical favorite
A nugget that is rarely broadcast on the airwaves. Be careful, Slavic souls refrain, it’s pure nostalgia in the bar…
Rapture - Laura Veirs