You hold the key to slowing down skin aging.

If you knew it was possible to slow down skin aging, would you do it? Rhetorical question, we all would. Then you will be interested in the following. Novexpert Doctors have discovered one of the keys to longevity thanks to an astonishing people, living far from our European habits. Far from keeping this secret to themselves, they used their knowledge to benefit your skin. We'll explain how.

Discover the people who naturally found one of the keys to youth

Imagine a people who live in good health, for more than 100 years, where the elderly live at home, without a retirement home, and enjoy the outdoors every day. A people where skin aging seems to slow down despite the sun, wind or sea spray. This people exists. It is located on a Japanese island called Okinawa. This island has 3 times more centenarians than in European countries. How is this possible and how can we do the same? Novexpert Doctors discovered it more than 15 years ago and share it with you today. Hint: It's not about genetics, but almost.

Longevity can be summed up in 3 letters: EPI. EPIgenetics

The story of Okinawa and Novexpert is so unexpected that it could begin with “Once upon a time”. Cyrille, founder of Laboratoires Novexpert, discovered Okinawa by chance. A coincidence due to his passion for surfing. With his team of doctors, they then sought the secret of these active centenarians. Was the key to be found in a new gene allowing the creation of “super grannies”? Not really. But DNA still came into play. The people of Okinawa achieved the feat of activating a gene, the SIRT-1 gene, nicknamed “youth gene” by scientists. Once “turned on”, this gene produces proteins, sirtuins, which protect and repair cells so that they are healthy for longer.

We all have this youth gene, but for most of us, it is deactivated, “turned off”. Succeeding in activating a gene (or deactivating it) without modifying the DNA is epigenetics.

Epigenetics: in a few years your doctor will only talk about that

Genes can be thought of as light bulbs, they can be turned on (active) or off (inactive). And who controls the light bulbs? The switch. At the biological level, this switch can be our lifestyle: diet, stress, physical activity... or the environment in which we live. What must be understood is that genes are not modified but only expressed or not.

The information we're all waiting for: how to activate the youth gene?

Eat less to live more, this is a phrase that could sum up the Okinawan philosophy. They practice “Hara hichi Bun me”. Translation: eat up to 80% of your satiety, or practice a small daily calorie restriction. This practice, accompanied by a low-calorie diet (vegetables, fish, fruits) represents their secret to igniting the youth gene. Researchers have reproduced this caloric restriction in animals and the results are more than convincing: lifespan multiplied by 2, even 3.

As you can imagine, Doctors Novexpert have created a product to limit hunger… No, not really. Let's go on.

Novaxyline: slowing down skin aging effortlessly

Inspired by these promises of longevity, the Novexpert team has developed an innovative, unique and patented active ingredient capable of activating the youth gene within skin cells. Thus offering the possibility of slowing down the aging of the skin without depriving yourself of dessert. Doctors have given the name “Novaxyline” to this biological switch, which increases the production of sirtuins by more than 20%. This active ingredient, which you will only find in Novexpert products, is born from the combination of an algae and a specific prebiotic. Novaxyline has made Novexpert Laboratories the pioneers of epigenetics in cosmetics.

Novaxyline, mechanic and bodyguard of skin cells

How does Novaxyline work to slow down skin aging?

She is a mechanic, or rather she stimulates the mechanics who repair our cells in the event of an error. They are called autophagy players, they repair or eliminate damaged elements from cells, thus protecting the skin from accelerated aging. In the presence of sirtuins, autophagy players increase by 40%, thus taking care of cellular quality. Which is not negligible when we know that with age, these mechanics are less efficient.

And it's not over, Novaxyline is a bodyguard for stem cells. These cells are favored because they are almost “immortal” and can create other cells indefinitely. Everything seems perfect, but not really... Over time, they are less receptive to signals, leading to a slowdown in cell renewal. Thanks to Novaxyline, they remain active longer and, this time, ensure the right quantity of cells.

Time to practice so that your skin can look a few years younger

Now that you know how to slow skin aging, here's what you can do today to boost sirtuin production.

Our discoveries result in the creation of healthy, safe and proven effective products, which contain this famous Novaxyline. The Pro-Collagen range is the one that contains the most. At Novexpert, the slowing down of skin aging is not only observed in the lab, it is seen on the skin: -38% in wrinkles in 28 days thanks to the Pro-collagen Booster Serum for example.

On the nutraceutical side, several active ingredients such as resveratrol, quercetin and vitamin B3 can help in the synthesis of sirtuins. This surprising trio is found within the Plumped Skin food supplement.

Finally, on a daily basis, a diet rich in Omega 3 (camelina oil, rapeseed oil, sardines etc.) or Vitamin B12 (royal jelly, oysters etc.) as well as the practice of yoga and meditation would also increase the levels of sirtuins.

Passionate, curious and insatiable, Novexpert researchers observe the world to decipher its secrets and share them with your skin. More than creators of beauty, we wish to be transmitters of knowledge. The example of Okinawa and Novaxyline to slow down skin aging is just one chapter in the Novexpert adventure, which continues to be written.

Today we know it.

Beautiful skin comes before
all healthy skin.

Creating another way of creating beauty is a necessity. For 15 years, Novexpert has been committed to demanding cosmetics based on science and facts. They are researchers fascinated by science, passionate about skin and health.

And here's what we do.
Explain, transmit and learn: how the body works, how the skin works.
Formulate, without compromising: 100% healthy products, because they are 100% of natural origin, highly concentrated active ingredients.
Test, study, adjust, for care with clinically proven effectiveness.
Support, provide what is missing from a serum, a food supplement or a treatment: nutrition, sleep, daily advice and recommendations.
Create a new type of treatment to take care of your skin.

Novexpert, Knowledge engages us.