Why won't you find salicylic acid at Novexpert?

Be reassured that you will NOT find salicylic acid at Novexpert. And this is not about to change because efficiency at the cost of your health is not our credo.

For several years scientists have been warning about the potential dangers of salicylic acid and recently , the official texts prove them right. This precious acid promoted by many brands is classified CMR 2 for its suspected toxic effects for reproduction. He is also studied to find out if he uplies the hormonal system, which would bring it into the dreaded clan of endocrine disruptors.

Great track record.

You know us, we impose the “precautionary principle” on ourselves in the face of chemical pollution of the body by cosmetics.

Our formulas will therefore be salicylic acid-free as long as (big) doubts remain about its safety.

You will not close this web page with the same convictions as when you entered.

Contrary to what you may think, pproduct without salicylic acid does not mean ineffective treatment against the buttons. The active ingredients of the Trio-Zinc range play on the grounds of salicylic acid. Ijudge for yourselves:

- anti-microbial action (= destroy bad bacteria including C.acnes): Totarol, a.laurique , the postbiotic Lactobacillus… 

- Keratolytic action (= purify pores and help cell renewal): gluconolactone, lactic acid.

And it's not over... with the Trio-Zinc active ingredient, the formulas act on the CAUSES of imperfections for a lasting effect.

And, between us, salicylic acid doesn’t do that!

Today we know it.

Beautiful skin comes before
all healthy skin.

Creating another way of creating beauty is a necessity. For 15 years, Novexpert has been committed to demanding cosmetics based on science and facts. They are researchers fascinated by science, passionate about skin and health.

And here's what we do.
Explain, transmit and learn: how the body works, how the skin works.
Formulate, without compromising: 100% healthy products, because they are 100% of natural origin, highly concentrated active ingredients.
Test, study, adjust, for care with clinically proven effectiveness.
Support, provide what is missing from a serum, a food supplement or a treatment: nutrition, sleep, daily advice and recommendations.
Create a new type of treatment to take care of your skin.

Novexpert, Knowledge engages us.